Processing Post on Database Aesthetics

Its no mystery that there is such a profound environmental impact on our planet  when it comes to having 24/7 access to our stuff. Glanz’s sobering article paints a bleak picture of the “dirty secret” that the information age is costing…

Processing Post on Database Episteme from Nov. 12th

Processing Post on Database Episteme from Nov. 12th

Data. Information. Knowledge. The abstractions feel almost like puffs of smoke. After reading Chaim Zins essay on data, information, and knowledge and his distinctions surrounding the ways in which to define data and information, I was struck by the sheer…

Processing Post: Database Aesthetics

  Ben Fino-Radin talking about the role of the digital currator in conservation frames the his job as trying to predict and fend off the threats to preservation of certain types of digital art materials. His argument  alludes to the…

Processing post: readings for Nov. 19

Processing post: readings for Nov. 19

Ben Fino-Radin in his interviews, echoed a lot the topics I’ve been reading about in my research on digital archives. Metadata and emulation are popular. In researching for final papers in this course and others, I came across an article…

Processing Post: Database Aesthetic

This is the first time I thought about what it would mean to archive work that uses APIs of other services. APIs are the pluggable ends of databases that allow for retrieval (and sometimes insertion) of data. It has become…

Processing Post: Database Episteme

Charles & Ray Eames’ educational cartoon, expounding on the wonders of the newly invented electronic calculator, archives a mindset of the digital age that seems more in context after reading Tim Sherratt’s article on EJ Brady. Ideology aside, the inspiration…

Processing Post: A Databases Episteme

This week’s readings we’re a nice segue from the short discussion we had last week regarding Digital Humanities.  As I expressed during class I’m looking to propose a final project that analyzes copyright in Digital Humanities projects.  Tim Sherratt’s article…

Processing Post: “…”

In his travels around Australia, EJ Brady started to catalogue ways in which its vast, ‘empty’ spaces might be turned to productive use. A hardy yeomanry armed with the latest science could transform these so-called ‘wastes’, and Brady was determined…

Processing post: readings for Nov. 15

Processing post: readings for Nov. 15

I loved Tim Sherratt’s idea that “structure matters and that links can have meaning.” It reminds me of our reading and discussion on the meaning of early hyperlinks. Sherratt goes back further, to re-suggest to us that hyperlinks can carry…

Building a Memex (Not Really, But Kind Of)

I’d read As We May Think quite a few times before I started working on my MFA at Parsons a year ago. I’d always looked at it and kind of thought “Oh that’s nice. We did that.” However, in my…